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Houses Get Smarter

The UK Trade and Industry Secretary - Alistair Dowling, wants us all to reduce the amount of energy we use; further cutting our carbon emissions. He’s hoping to do this by introducing “Smart Meters” into every home in UK over the next ten years. This, along with other measures, will be used as part of the governments plan to lower the amount of CO2 emissions by 20% in 2010.

Our homes currently contribute to approximately 30% of our overall CO2 emissions. Over three quarters is mainly from the energy used to heat our homes and water.

The new meters will give households an accurate reading of how much gas and electricity is being used and its cost any at any given time. It’s hoped that the new meters can also show consumers a graph which will display a year on year comparison of energy use. By doing this, it’s hoped that it will encourage a reduction in energy use and make us more environmentally aware.

It could also mean an end to meter readings as we currently know them, as gas and electricity suppliers will be able to access them remotely.

Unfortunately it’s not all good news though; as many experts are estimating that by installing a meter your bills rise by £40. It’s also believed that many suppliers could look at charging customers around £200 to fund the installation, which most families will be unable to do, meaning they are unable to make this step into the reducing their carbon output. Fortunately they will still be able to take advantage of gas and electricity prices of greener suppliers.

When was the last time you looked at changing gas or electricity suppliers? Gas and electricity prices are beginning to fall dramatically so it’s worth checking to see how the tariff you’re on compares to others out there.

Source: www.a1articles.com