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Penis Enlargement - More PC Exercises for Real Penis Enlargement

PC Clamps

In order to perform PC clamps, you need to begin by squeezing and releasing your PC muscle in sets of 30. You should try to build this up to sets of 100 or more. Continue until you are doing around 300 PC clamps per day.

If you do this correctly you will find that in no time at all, you are waking up with rock hard erections and performing better than ever in bed. View more detail at http://www.certified-penis-enlargement.com

The PC Stairs Step

This method is a little different and involves tightening and loosening your PC muscle in increments. You start by holding your PC muscle, then squeeze a little more, hold a bit more, then tighten again, and hold again for as long as you can manage. You should try to hold for at least 20 seconds then relax a little, hold, relax a little bit more, hold again, tighten a little bit more and hold, and then finally release and rest. You should aim to repeat this at lease 5 times shortening the length of time you rest in between. What will this exercise do for you?

Continued practice will guarantee you rock hard erections whenever you want them. This exercise also teaches you how to control your orgasms and this means that you will be able to hold on for as long as you like.

The PC Flutter

For this exercise, you will need to tighten your PC muscle as slowly as you can. Keep tightening until the muscle actually starts to tremble. At some stage during this, the PC muscle will actually start to flutter and you should feel a burst of energy running up your spine. You will need to concentrate on your breathing when this happens and slow breathing is advised.

For this exercise you should try to start out with sets of 20 to 30 with a goal to reaching 100 – 200 sets. These should be performed daily.

The Long Slow Squeeze

This exercise starts off with a set of 30 clamps proceeded by flexing as hard and deep as you can. When you are no longer able to squeeze any deeper you need to hold this position and count to 20. Repeat this 5 times with a 30 second break between each set.

If you do this for at least a month you will notice that you can squeeze and hold for a couple of minutes at a time. You should be aiming to reach 10 sets of 2 minute holds.

What this exercise does is, give your rock hard erection and allow you to have total control over your orgasms.

So there you have it, how to exercise your PC muscle and gain full control over your orgasms.

To learn the specific secret details of Penis Enlargement, check out this revolutionary site - http://www.certified-penis-enlargement.com/ for the most comprehensive source of penis enlargement information

Source: www.articlesbase.com