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The Big Clamp Down On Uninsured Drivers

While the majority of people on the roads have a moan and groan about the cost of our car insurance, we would never, ever consider getting behind the wheel without being insured. If you were to get into an accident and you weren’t insured where would you get the cash from to pay out for not only the repairs to your car but also the other car? On top of this you would face heavy fines and prosecution for driving while not having insurance, we might moan and groan but we do have the sense to know how valuable car insurance is and do the right thing.

However statistics have shown that an alarming amount of drivers are in fact out there and driving around on the roads without having taken out car insurance. It is also a fact that it is the insured driver that is nine times more likely to be involved in an accident than those who do have car insurance. It is believed this is due to the fact that very often the uninsured driver is usually the one that is driving around in a car that is not roadworthy.

When it comes to culprits such as these is it also three times more likely that they have had previous convictions of careless driving and 10 ten times more likely that they drive while under the influence of alcohol and have been previously convicted of a drink driving offense.

With this is mind police are clamping down on the uninsured driver and while this is an excellent thing, unfortunately it is also the insured motorist that is also being cracked down on too. The reason behind this is the way that the system works, the system currently used to pick up on and crack down on the uninsured motorist is by checking records with the Motor Insurance Bureau.

This system shows up the cars that don’t currently have insurance, however if you have always had car insurance and are currently in the process of renewing it then it could take a couple of days for this to show up on the records. If the records are checked during this time then you could show up as not having car insurance and be clamped down on. While the majority of people can of course prove they do have insurance it is a huge inconvenience.

In order to stop this happening you should arrange to change your car insurance over as quickly as possible and carry documentation to prove you are doing so and when it comes to buying your insurance buy online and get several quotes for the best and cheapest deal possible.

David Thomson is Chief Executive of BestDealInsurance an independent specialist broker dedicated to giving consumers the best insurance deal. They offer great value car insurance, ensuring that their clients have the protection they need, without leaving a hole in their pocket.

Source: www.articlecube.com