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Toggle Switches - Control Electrical Current

The components of an electrical system have very specific purpose. Toggle switches are one such component.

In discussing electrical use, the switch is defined as a mechanical device that allows or does not allow the flow of current. The switch is generally considered to have two positions. These are the on position and the off position. In a simple switch, when it is in the on position the electrical circuit is intact and current flows. In the off position the electrical circuit is incomplete and there is no current. The toggle switch is a type of switch that has two arms that are almost inline with each other connected by an elbow like pivot. The elbow like pivot creates a positive snap action bringing the two arms into contact when the switch moved to the on position.

In common usage, the term toggle switch has been used to describe any switching device that turns current on or off. In electrical theory, the switch is seen as a gate. The schematic symbol for a toggle switch resembles a gate. The gate idea is that when the gate is closed, contact is made and current flows through it. When the gate is open, contact is broken and no current can flow. There is no size distinction in defining a toggle switch. It can be very, very small or it can be incredibly large. Nor is it limited by function. A toggle switch can operate a single simple mechanism, or be connected to any number of devices. Turning on a toggle switch can institute a single activity or be connected to a wide number of devices causing multiple operations to commence.

The word toggle itself has come to mean the act of switching something from one state to another. Toggle is often used to indicate the action of turning something on and off in alternating sequences. A person could be said to be toggling a motor or toggling a computer program. This means they are turning it from an off state to an on state multiple times.

The concept behind the toggle switch is simple, but has far reaching implications in electrical theory. This gate theory deals with the idea that something is either in one of two states. Something is said to be on or off. It might be expressed open or closed. The open or closed gate idea means that current either passes through or it does not. Although this idea seems fairly simple, complex machinery including computers are basically run by it.

The most common types of toggle switches are simple devices used to turn on and off electric currents. Circuit breaker controls and even simple light switches are examples of toggle switches. The toggle switch is rated by the capacity of the current that flows through it in the closed position. It should be remembered how basic to the successful operation of an electrical system a toggle switch can be. It is usually not the best place to attempt to cut costs. The toggle switch puts the whole process into motion.

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Source: www.isnare.com